There are so many small animal homes on the market, that it can be confusing
as what to choose. I will list the three most popular, and let you make the final decision.
Glass Aquariums These are pretty
much every hamster enthusiasts favorite method of housing. They're cheap, easy to clean, easily accessible, and for the most
part escape proof.
Plastic Clubhouses I liked these cages when I was a little kid, and thought they were
really neat to look at. They are! But beware, it's difficult to clean all of the connector tubes, and it pretty hard to capture
your small pet when he's trying to hide in all of the nooks and crannys that these cages offer.
Wire Cages I'm not much
of a fan for these. If you are interested in one, make sure that the wires are close togther, or you will have a hamster on
the loose. I also feel that this form doesn't provide much protection from cold, dust, and other things that could harm your
Bedding I cannot believe how many different types of bedding they have on the market! It ranges from
pine, cedar, cedar with chlorophyll, aspen, hay, pellets, fluff, recycled paper balls etc. I'll make it simple, and tell you
just to stay away from the pine and cedar. These have been known to cause respiratory problems because of the oils they produce.
Bed fluff is also not a good idea since it tends to wrap around these little guys, and get stuck in cheek pouches Everything
else is fine.
Toys If you have ever observed your hamster at night, then you already know how much energy they
have. Wheels are an essential to every cage. They provide endless interest and exercise. Toilette paper tubes, and plastic
ones are great for hiding. Cages should have a main sleeping house. I like the all natural ones made out of dried woven plants.
They are edible too!
